Thirteen web sites to help writers save time, increase their audience size, and boost their online presence. These popular web sites cover blogging, social media, and publishing trends.
Social Media Resources
Jonathan Loomer Digital
An excellent resource for using Facebook to market your work.
Social Media Examiner
Lots of good marketing advice for small businesses, such as writers and authors. Also a good source for keeping up with changes to Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Pinterest.
Social Media Today
A little hypy and geeky for the average writer, but worth checking in on periodically.
News, tips and tricks for using LinkedIn, which can be a good tool for non-fiction authors.
The authority on using a blog to market your work, build an audience, and get people to buy your stuff. Lots of articles on how to get started with a blog.
Another geeky resource that is unecessary for the average writer, but still a great source of information on search engine optimization, social media, and other forms of online marketing.
Orbit Media
Another good resource offering advanced tips on using your blog to attract readers.
Other Web Marketing Resources for Writers
Publicity Hound
Joan Stewart offers tips and advice for promoting yourself online and off. She also offers advice on dealing with and attracting coverage from mainstream media
Jane Friedman
A great source for trends in marketing and publishing in general.
Anne R. Allen
My personal favorite, Anne Allen and co-blogger Ruth Harris offer straight talk on what works and what doesn't for online marketing and social media. The constantly ask: Are you wasting too much time on social media?
The Book Designer
One of the best resources for self-publishers.
A list of blogs looking for content. The site is organized by topic: Writing about flowers, dogs, comedy? Find a blog that will post links back to your blog. A good way to increase the exposure of your web site or blog.
Authority Publishing
Good book marketing tips for non-fiction writers.
Most Popular Web Marketing Posts from this Blog
- Facebook for Writers: Gripes, Tips (Part 1)
- Twitter for Writers: Strategies for 2014
- Building a Writing Platform: My Results for 2013
Top art attribution: Trophies by Wammes Waggel (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 or GFDL], via Wikimedia Commons