These five books address a variety of writing problems ranging from pokey plots to porky prose. I found them useful for both fiction and non-fiction writing. All five books were available at my local library.
by Blake Snyder
This book is not just for screenwriters -- It is a short and simple book on plot. Period. Great for fiction and creative non-fiction. I used it juice up several problem chapters in my novel in progress.
by Carol Pearson
Useful for thinking about and developing characters in your fiction. I found it easier to digest than Joseph Campbell's classic The Hero with a Thousand Faces. If you're into Jungian psychology, it's an interesting read.
by Renni Brown and David King
Easy read, entertaining, lots of useful information on revising your work -- by yourself. Includes sections on dialog, scenes, and showing versus telling.
by Noah Lukeman
A grammar book written specifically for creative writers. Great passages on commas, sentence length, paragraphs, and section breaks.
by Verlyn Klinkenborg
Short tips to tighten your writing.
The Online Date that Went a Little too Well
(youtube of me reading a novel excerpt at a local venue: politically-incorrect, no redeeming value.)
(youtube of me reading a novel excerpt at a local venue: politically-incorrect, no redeeming value.)
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