Monday, December 23, 2013

Don't Give Up! Inspirational Books, Blogs for Writers




A round-up of brain food and whip-ass for the holidays and new year.


I) Books


A lot of touchy-feely stuff, but worth a read. My favorite corny line: "Jump and the net will appear."

Nuts and bolts about how to train your brain to perform. Whomever said "inspiration for amateurs" must have been channeling this book.

- The War of Art by Steven Pressfield
Another good kick in the ass for whiny, namby-pamby writers (like me)

A lot of stuff you already know, but the chapter on taking manageable risks is particularly interesting. Yeah, we have to make a lot of big decisions without having all the data we'd like.


II) Blogs and Links

Great guest post on Chuck Wendig's Terrible Mind's blog. 

A reality check for those (like me) who think that finding an agent and a big New York publisher is going to change your life. What really happens? You're flying high for a week. A year later, you've sold a few books. Guess what: you're a published author, but nothing has really changed. Get back to writing.

A published author says what most of us think but are too afraid to say -- on

- The Holstee Manifesto (double-click image to enlarge)


Tired of all this inspiration hoo-hah? Want to watch some mindless youtubes from my one-man show? (please click: I need the traffic)


- One Day in Front of the Medicine Cabinet or What Do Unemployed Writers Have for Breakfast?

- Why I'm still single: The Chronic Single's Lament

- Romance on a Greek Ferry: "You've got a great arm," I said as she tossed her purse into the Mediterranean.  

Art credit: Image at top of blog from Damon Butler's Haute Draws blog.


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